Thursday 20 June 2013

National Aboriginal Day

National Aboriginal Day, National Aboriginal Day Canada, Canada National Aboriginal Day, National Aboriginal Day 2013, National Aboriginal Day Canada 2013

 National Aboriginal Day

National Aboriginal Day
     National Aboriginal Day (June 21) is a time for all Canadians cultures and contributions to Canada of First Nations, celebrate Inuit and Metis peoples. Canada chose June 21 because of the cultural significance of the summer solstice and because many Aboriginal groups on this day to celebrate their heritage.

     In recognition of National Aboriginal Day, Sainte-Marie will provide First Nations singing, drumming and dancing. Exhibitions and demonstrations of the first heritage Nations children including crafts, sailing and lacrosse demonstrations, local artisans and more.

     In both events, Sainte-Marie restaurant offers a special evening menu offers delicious recipes with the original "Three Sisters Soup" corn, beans and squash made​​.

    On June 21st, Canadians from all walks of life are invited to participate in many activities of the National Aboriginal Day will be held from coast to coast to coast.

    June 21 kickoff of the 11 days of Celebrate Canada! which includes National Aboriginal Day (June 21), the feast of St. John the Baptist (June 24), Canadian Multiculturalism Day (June 27) and ends with Canada Day (1 july).